Redefining Hong Kong Series 2023/24 - Green Finance
In 2023, SCMP will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Redefining Hong Kong series.
Redefining Hong Kong 2023 will focus on Hong Kong’s development roadmaps in key strategic areas after the reopening of our city in early 2023. Each programme will be developed to provide forward-looking insights from policymakers, business leaders and entrepreneurs in charting to future of Asia’s World City.
We all have read the news and seen the headlines - climate change is a global problem. And there are a lot of panicky conversations as the world is running out of time. As of today’s trajectory, experts say the world is unlikely to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Although it may be although it is highly uncertain that our mitigation effort will be accelerated fast enough to prevent the disasters caused by climate change – businesses can take active steps in decarbonisng their company and operations.
Join us in person at Redefining Hong Kong Series: Navigating the challenges of green finance and transitioning to a sustainable future on Jun 29, 2023, gathering industry experts to discuss and debate how businesses and their teams can take action against the urgent need to tackle the climate problem by setting priorities and goals as well as investigating green financing for decarbonisation.
- How do businesses know if they are on track or need to speed up to reach their 2030 goal?
- Are current business targets and timeframes ambitious enough? Are targets too far in the future to reduce emissions?
- Why is green finance strategy important for businesses?
- As Hong Kong’s bourse is proposing tougher climate and sustainability risks and opportunities disclosures by listed firms - are businesses ready to comply?
The South China Morning Post is a leading news media company that has reported on China and Asia for more than a century with global impact. Founded in 1903, SCMP is headquartered in Hong Kong, where it is the city’s newspaper of record. Our teams span across Asia and the United States, working together to connect with news consumers around the world. We are committed to informing and inspiring through journalism of the highest standards. Our vision is to “Elevate Thought”, and our mission is to “Lead the global conversation about China”.
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